June 10-14
July 8-12
July 29 - August 2
Sign up now for our Kids SCUBA Camp. Every summer we have three separate SCUBA classes for Kids 11-18 years old and of course their parents if you want to be certified or re-certified. The "Camp" starts each Monday and ends on Friday after the morning dives. On Friday's AM dive Captain Slate will do his world famous Creature Feature with you! Something you will never see anywhere else! Time to be at the store is 8:30 am until around 5 PM each day. Certification is life time and the cost is only $550 for the Camp. Everything is included all you need is a bathing suit and towel. There is a break for lunch each day and the kids can bring their lunches and munchies for the boat or classroom. There is also a restaurant located next door. We, our kids, live in paradise and now they can enjoy the wonders of our beautiful underwater world! See you underwater.
-Captain Slate